Function fixed_size

  • Create a table with fixed size


    • diagrams: Diagram[][]

      2D array of diagrams

    • rowsizes: number[]

      size of each row if rowsizes.length is less than diagrams.length, the last value will be repeated e.g. [1,2,3] -> [1,2,3,3,3]

    • colsizes: number[]

      size of each column if colsizes.length is less than diagrams[0].length, the last value will be repeated

    • orientation: TableOrientation = TableOrientation.ROWS

      orientation of the table (default: 'rows') can be 'rows' or 'columns'

    • padding: number | number[] = 0
    • alignment: alignment_config = []

    Returns Diagram

    a diagram of the table with the diagrams inside

    alignment config for the table