Class Interactive

Object that controls the interactivity of the diagram


  • Parameters

    • control_container_div: HTMLElement

      the div that contains the control elements

    • Optionaldiagram_outer_svg: SVGSVGElement

      the svg element that contains the diagram * only needed if you want to use the locator

    • Optionalinp_object_: { [key: string]: any }

      the object that contains the variables * only needed if you want to use custom input object


    Returns Interactive


button_svg: undefined | SVGSVGElement = undefined
control_container_div: HTMLElement

the div that contains the control elements

custom_svg: undefined | SVGSVGElement = undefined
diagram_outer_svg?: SVGSVGElement

the svg element that contains the diagram * only needed if you want to use the locator

diagram_svg: undefined | SVGSVGElement = undefined
display_mode: "svg" | "canvas" = "svg"
display_precision: undefined | number = 5
dnd_svg: undefined | SVGSVGElement = undefined
draw_function: (inp_object: inpVariables_t, setter_object?: inpSetter_t) => any = ...
inp_setter: inpSetter_t = {}
inp_variables: inpVariables_t = {}
intervals: { [key: string]: any } = {}
locator_svg: undefined | SVGSVGElement = undefined
registeredEventListenerRemoveFunctions: () => void[] = []
single_int_mode: boolean = false


  • Create a click button


    • name: string

      name of the button

    • diagram: Diagram

      diagram of the button

    • diagram_pressed: Diagram

      diagram of the button when it is pressed

    • callback: () => any

      callback function when the button is clicked

    Returns void

  • Create a click button


    • name: string

      name of the button

    • diagram: Diagram

      diagram of the button

    • diagram_pressed: Diagram

      diagram of the button when it is pressed

    • diagram_hover: Diagram

      diagram of the button when it is hovered

    • callback: () => any

      callback function when the button is clicked

    Returns void

  • Create a toggle button


    • name: string

      name of the button

    • diagram_on: Diagram

      diagram of the button when it is on

    • diagram_off: Diagram

      diagram of the button when it is off

    • state: boolean = false

      initial state of the button

    • Optionalcallback: (name: string, state: boolean) => any

      callback function when the button state is changed

    Returns void

  • Parameters

    • id: string

      id of the object

    • classlist: string[]

      list of classes of the object

    • diagram: Diagram

      diagram of the object

    Returns SVGSVGElement

    the svg element of the object

    (use Interactive.custom_object_g() instead) This method will be removed in the next major release

    Create a custom interactive object

  • Create a custom interactive object


    • id: string

      id of the object

    • classlist: string[]

      list of classes of the object

    • diagram: Diagram

      diagram of the object

    Returns SVGGElement

    the svg element of the object

  • Create a drag and drop container


    • name: string

      name of the container

    • diagram: Diagram

      diagram of the container

    • Optionalcapacity: number

      capacity of the container (default is 1)

    • Optionalconfig: dnd_container_config

      configuration of the container positioning the configuration is an object with the following format: {type:"horizontal-uniform"}, {type:"vertical-uniform"}, {type:"grid", value:[number, number]} {type:"horizontal", padding:number}, {type:"vertical", padding:number} {type:"flex-row", padding:number, vertical_alignment:VerticalAlignment, horizontal_alignment:HorizontalAlignment}

      you can also add custom region box for the target by adding custom_region_box: [Vector2, Vector2] in the config

      you can also add a sorting function for the target by adding sorting_function: (a: string, b: string) => number

    Returns void

  • Create a drag and drop draggable


    • name: string

      name of the draggable

    • diagram: Diagram

      diagram of the draggable

    • Optionalcontainer_diagram: Diagram

      diagram of the container, if not provided, a container will be created automatically

    • Optionalcallback: (name: string, pos: Vector2) => any

      callback function (called after the draggable is moved)

    • Optionalonclickstart_callback: () => any

      callback function (called at the start of the drag)

    Returns void

  • Create a drag and drop draggable that is positioned into an existing container


    • name: string

      name of the draggable

    • diagram: Diagram

      diagram of the draggable

    • container_name: string

      name of the container

    • Optionalcallback: (name: string, container: string) => any

      callback function (called after the draggable is moved)

    • Optionalonclickstart_callback: () => any

      callback function (called at the start of the drag)

    Returns void

  • Move a draggable to a container


    • name: string

      name of the draggable

    • container_name: string

      name of the container

    Returns void

  • Register a callback function when a draggable is dropped outside of a container


    • callback: (name: string) => any

      callback function

    Returns void

  • Register a validation function when a draggable is moved to a container If the function return false, the draggable will not be moved


    • fun: (draggable_name: string, target_name: string) => boolean

      validation function

    Returns void

  • reorder the tabindex of the containers


    • container_names: string[]

    Returns void

  • Get the content size of a container


    • container_name: string

    Returns [number, number]

  • Get the data of the drag and drop objects with the format: {container:string, content:string[]}[]

    Returns DragAndDropData

  • Parameters

    • metaname: string
    • force_recreate: boolean = false

    Returns SVGSVGElement

  • Parameters

    • variable_name: string
    • value: any
    • display_format_func: formatFunction = defaultFormat_f

    Returns void

  • Create a locator Locator is a draggable object that contain 2D coordinate information


    • variable_name: string

      name of the variable

    • value: Vector2

      initial value

    • radius: number

      radius of the locator draggable object

    • color: string = 'blue'

      color of the locator

    • Optionaltrack_diagram: Diagram

      if provided, the locator will snap to the closest point on the diagram

    • blink: boolean = true
    • Optionalcallback: (locator_name: string, position: Vector2) => any

    Returns void

  • Create a locator with custom diagram object


    • variable_name: string

      name of the variable

    • value: Vector2

      initial value

    • diagram: Diagram

      diagram of the locator

    • Optionaltrack_diagram: Diagram

      if provided, the locator will snap to the closest point on the diagram

    • blink: boolean = true

      if true, the locator will blink

    • Optionalcallback: (locator_name: string, position: Vector2) => any

      callback function that will be called when the locator is moved

    • Optionalcallback_rightclick: (locator_name: string) => any

      callback function that will be called when the locator is right clicked

    Returns void

  • Parameters

    • variable_name: string
    • val: any

    Returns void

  • Set whether the content of the container should be sorted or not


    • sort_content: boolean

    Returns void

  • Set the data of the drag and drop objects with the format: {container:string, content:string[]}[]


    • data: DragAndDropData

    Returns void

  • Create a slider


    • variable_name: string

      name of the variable

    • min: number = 0

      minimum value

    • max: number = 100

      maximum value

    • value: number = 50

      initial value

    • step: number = -1

      step size

    • time: number = 1.5

      time of the animation in milliseconds

    • display_format_func: formatFunction = defaultFormat_f

      function to format the display of the value

    Returns void