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// The diagrams you want to put in a table should be in a 2D array. let r1 = text('red').fontsize(24); let r2 = text('blue').fontsize(24); let r3 = square().fill('red'); let r4 = square().fill('blue'); let t = table.table([[r1,r2],[r3,r4]], 0.5) draw(t)
( diagrams  :  Diagram[][]padding  :  number = 0orientation  :  'rows'|'column' = 'rows'
    min_rowsize  :  number = 0min_colsize  :  number = 0 )  :  Diagram

// The diagrams you want to put in a table should be in a 2D array. let r1 = text('red').fontsize(24); let r2 = text('blue').fontsize(24); let r3 = square().fill('red'); let r4 = square().fill('blue'); let t = table.table([[r1,r2],[r3,r4]], 0.5) draw(t)

Styling The Table

The Tags that available for tables are TAG.TABLE, TAG.TABLE_CELL, and TAG.TABLE_CONTENT. TAG.ROW_ and TAG.COL_ are also available for rows and columns.
// If you want to hide the border of the table, you can style the table cell let r1 = text('red').fontsize(24); let r2 = text('blue').fontsize(24); let r3 = square().fill('red'); let r4 = square().fill('blue'); let t = table.table([[r1,r2],[r3,r4]], 0.5) t = t.apply_to_tagged_recursive(TAG.TABLE_CELL, (d) => d.stroke('none')) draw(t)
Invisible Lines
// If you want to hide the border of the table, you can style the table cell let r1 = text('red').fontsize(24); let r2 = text('blue').fontsize(24); let r3 = square().fill('red'); let r4 = square().fill('blue'); let t = table.table([[r1,r2],[r3,r4]], 0.5) t = t.apply_to_tagged_recursive(TAG.TABLE_CELL, (d) => d.stroke('none')) draw(t)
// All element in row n have the tag `TAG.ROW_+n` let r1 = text('red').fontsize(24); let r2 = text('blue').fontsize(24); let r3 = square().fill('red'); let r4 = square().fill('blue'); let t = table.table([[r1,r2],[r3,r4]], 0.5) t = t.apply_to_tagged_recursive([TAG.TABLE_CELL, TAG.ROW_+'0'], (d) => d.fill('#ddd')) draw(t)
Highlight first Row
// All element in row n have the tag `TAG.ROW_+n` let r1 = text('red').fontsize(24); let r2 = text('blue').fontsize(24); let r3 = square().fill('red'); let r4 = square().fill('blue'); let t = table.table([[r1,r2],[r3,r4]], 0.5) t = t.apply_to_tagged_recursive([TAG.TABLE_CELL, TAG.ROW_+'0'], (d) => d.fill('#ddd')) draw(t)
let r1 = text('red').fontsize(24); let r2 = text('blue').fontsize(24); let r3 = square().fill('red'); let r4 = square().fill('blue'); let t = table.table([[r1,r2],[r3,r4]], 0.5) t = t.apply_to_tagged_recursive([TAG.TABLE_CELL, TAG.ROW_+'0', TAG.COL_+'1'], (d) => d.fill('#ddd')) draw(t)
Highlight selected cell
let r1 = text('red').fontsize(24); let r2 = text('blue').fontsize(24); let r3 = square().fill('red'); let r4 = square().fill('blue'); let t = table.table([[r1,r2],[r3,r4]], 0.5) t = t.apply_to_tagged_recursive([TAG.TABLE_CELL, TAG.ROW_+'0', TAG.COL_+'1'], (d) => d.fill('#ddd')) draw(t)