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Building Blocks

Diagramatics provides a set of basic building blocks for creating diagrams. These are polygon, curve, text, and image.
let poly = polygon([V2(0,0), V2(0,10), V2(10,10)]); draw(poly); // poly.type == 'polygon'
polygon ( points  :  Vector2[] )  :  Diagram
let poly = polygon([V2(0,0), V2(0,10), V2(10,10)]); draw(poly); // poly.type == 'polygon'
let curv = curve([V2(0,0), V2(0,10), V2(10,10)]); draw(curv); // curve.type == 'curve'
curve ( points  :  Vector2[] )  :  Diagram
let curv = curve([V2(0,0), V2(0,10), V2(10,10)]); draw(curv); // curve.type == 'curve'
// *for math variable italic style, use `textvar()` let sq = square(20); let tx = text('hello'); draw(sq, tx); // tx.type == 'text'
text ( str  :  string )  :  Diagram
// *for math variable italic style, use `textvar()` let sq = square(20); let tx = text('hello'); draw(sq, tx); // tx.type == 'text'
// *for math variable italic style, use `textvar()` let src = "https://photon-ray.xyz/img/rlogo.jpg"; let img = image(src,10,10); draw(img); // img.type == 'image'
image ( src  :  stringwidth  :  numberheight  :  number )  :  Diagram
// *for math variable italic style, use `textvar()` let src = "https://photon-ray.xyz/img/rlogo.jpg"; let img = image(src,10,10); draw(img); // img.type == 'image'

Basic Shapes

Diagramatics also provides a set of basic shapes for creating diagrams.
let rect = rectangle(20,10); draw(rect);
rectangle ( width  :  numberheight  :  number )  :  Diagram
let rect = rectangle(20,10); draw(rect);
let sq = square(20); draw(sq);
square ( sidelength  :  number = 1 )  :  Diagram
let sq = square(20); draw(sq);
// if you need to define a rectangle by its bottom left and top right corners, let p1 = V2(0,0); let p2 = V2(20,10); let rect = rectangle_corner(p1,p2); draw(rect);
rectangle_corner ( bottomleft  :  Vector2topright  :  Vector2 )  :  Diagram
// if you need to define a rectangle by its bottom left and top right corners, let p1 = V2(0,0); let p2 = V2(20,10); let rect = rectangle_corner(p1,p2); draw(rect);
let poly = regular_polygon(5, 10); draw(poly);
regular_polygon ( sides  :  numberradius  :  number )  :  Diagram
let poly = regular_polygon(5, 10); draw(poly);
// if you want to define a regular polygon by its side length instead of radius, // use `regular_polygon_side()` let poly = regular_polygon_side(5, 10); draw(poly);
regular_polygon_side ( sides  :  numbersidelength  :  number )  :  Diagram
// if you want to define a regular polygon by its side length instead of radius, // use `regular_polygon_side()` let poly = regular_polygon_side(5, 10); draw(poly);
let circ = circle(10); draw(circ);
circle ( radius  :  number = 1 )  :  Diagram
let circ = circle(10); draw(circ);
// you can create an ellipse by scaling a circle let ell = circle(10).scale(V2(2,1)); draw(ell);
// you can create an ellipse by scaling a circle let ell = circle(10).scale(V2(2,1)); draw(ell);
let l = line(V2(0,1), V2(1,0)); draw(l);
line ( start  :  Vector2end  :  Vector2 )  :  Diagram
let l = line(V2(0,1), V2(1,0)); draw(l);
// arc will start from the positive x-axis and go counter-clockwise let ar = arc(10, Math.PI/2); draw(ar);
arc ( radius  :  number = 1angle  :  number )  :  Diagram
// arc will start from the positive x-axis and go counter-clockwise let ar = arc(10, Math.PI/2); draw(ar);
// if you need an arc from angle `a` to `b`, use the `.rotate` method let a = Math.PI*3/4; let b = Math.PI*3/2; let ar = arc(10, b-a).rotate(a); draw(ar);
// if you need an arc from angle `a` to `b`, use the `.rotate` method let a = Math.PI*3/4; let b = Math.PI*3/2; let ar = arc(10, b-a).rotate(a); draw(ar);
// if you need to put this arrow at a different position, use the `.translate` method let ar = arrow(V2(10,5), 0.5); draw(ar);
arrow ( vector  :  Vector2headsize  :  number = 1 )  :  Diagram
// if you need to put this arrow at a different position, use the `.translate` method let ar = arrow(V2(10,5), 0.5); draw(ar);
// if you need to define the arrow by its start and end points, you can use this instead of `arrow()` // this is equal to `arrow(end.sub(start)).translate(start)` let ar = arrow1(V2(0,5), V2(10,5), 0.5); draw(ar);
arrow1 ( start  :  Vector2end  :  Vector2headsize  :  number = 1 )  :  Diagram
// if you need to define the arrow by its start and end points, you can use this instead of `arrow()` // this is equal to `arrow(end.sub(start)).translate(start)` let ar = arrow1(V2(0,5), V2(10,5), 0.5); draw(ar);
let ar = arrow2(V2(0,5), V2(10,5), 0.5); draw(ar);
arrow2 ( start  :  Vector2end  :  Vector2headsize  :  number = 1 )  :  Diagram
let ar = arrow2(V2(0,5), V2(10,5), 0.5); draw(ar);
let sq = square(20); let tx = textvar('hello'); // `textvar` is just a helper function // this is equivalent to `tx = text('hello').text_tovar()` draw(sq, tx);
textvar ( str  :  string )  :  Diagram
let sq = square(20); let tx = textvar('hello'); // `textvar` is just a helper function // this is equivalent to `tx = text('hello').text_tovar()` draw(sq, tx);

Combining Diagram

let sq1 = square(10); let sq2 = square(10).translate(V2(12,0)); let sq = diagram_combine(sq1, sq2); // when combined, the type of the object is 'diagram' // sq.type == 'diagram' let sqs = sq.fill('lightblue').translate(V2(0,12)); draw(sq, sqs);
diagram_combine ( ...diagrams  :  Diagram[] )  :  Diagram
let sq1 = square(10); let sq2 = square(10).translate(V2(12,0)); let sq = diagram_combine(sq1, sq2); // when combined, the type of the object is 'diagram' // sq.type == 'diagram' let sqs = sq.fill('lightblue').translate(V2(0,12)); draw(sq, sqs);
You can also use Diagram.combine method which does the same thing
// `d0.combine(d1,d2,d3)` is equivalent to // `diagram_combine(d0,d1,d2,d3)` let sq1 = square(10); let sq2 = square(10).translate(V2(12,0)); let sq = sq1.combine(sq2); let sqs = sq.fill('lightblue').translate(V2(0,12)); draw(sq, sqs);
Diagram.combine ( ...diagrams  :  Diagram[] )  :  Diagram
// `d0.combine(d1,d2,d3)` is equivalent to // `diagram_combine(d0,d1,d2,d3)` let sq1 = square(10); let sq2 = square(10).translate(V2(12,0)); let sq = sq1.combine(sq2); let sqs = sq.fill('lightblue').translate(V2(0,12)); draw(sq, sqs);
You can access the list of diagrams in a Diagram object using Diagram.children
// `d0.combine(d1,d2,d3)` is equivalent to // `diagram_combine(d0,d1,d2,d3)` let sq1 = square(10); let sq2 = square(10).translate(V2(12,0)); let sq = sq1.combine(sq2); let sqs = sq.fill('lightblue').translate(V2(0,12)); let sqa = sq.children[0]; let sqb = sqs.children[1]; draw(sqa, sqb);
Diagram.children : Diagram[]
// `d0.combine(d1,d2,d3)` is equivalent to // `diagram_combine(d0,d1,d2,d3)` let sq1 = square(10); let sq2 = square(10).translate(V2(12,0)); let sq = sq1.combine(sq2); let sqs = sq.fill('lightblue').translate(V2(0,12)); let sqa = sq.children[0]; let sqb = sqs.children[1]; draw(sqa, sqb);