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Axes Options

All the plotting function can be configured by passing in axes_options, which is an object with the following properties:
    xrange    : [number, number],
    yrange    : [number, number],
    bbox?     : [Vector2, Vector2],
    xticks?   : number[],
    yticks?   : number[],
    n_sample? : number,
    headsize  : number,


// plot a data in the form of Vector2[] let data = [V2(-1,1), V2(0,0), V2(1,1), V2(2,2)] let p = plotv(data); draw(p);
plotv ( data  :  Vector2[]axes_options?  :  Partial<axes_options> )  :  Diagram
// plot a data in the form of Vector2[] let data = [V2(-1,1), V2(0,0), V2(1,1), V2(2,2)] let p = plotv(data); draw(p);
// plot a data in the form of xdata and ydata let xdata = [-1, 0, 1, 2]; let ydata = [1, 0, 1, 2]; let p = plot(xdata, ydata); draw(p);
plot ( xdata  :  number[]ydata  :  number[]axes_options?  :  Partial<axes_options> )  :  Diagram
// plot a data in the form of xdata and ydata let xdata = [-1, 0, 1, 2]; let ydata = [1, 0, 1, 2]; let p = plot(xdata, ydata); draw(p);
// plot a function let f = (x) => Math.sin(x); let p = plotf(f); draw(p);
plotf ( f  :  (x:number)=>numberaxes_options?  :  Partial<axes_options> )  :  Diagram
// plot a function let f = (x) => Math.sin(x); let p = plotf(f); draw(p);
// you can change the domain and range by passing in `axes_options` let axopt = { xrange : [-2*Math.PI, 2*Math.PI], } let f = (x) => Math.sin(x); let p = plotf(f, axopt); draw(p);
// you can change the domain and range by passing in `axes_options` let axopt = { xrange : [-2*Math.PI, 2*Math.PI], } let f = (x) => Math.sin(x); let p = plotf(f, axopt); draw(p);
// you can change number of sample points by passing in `axes_options` let axopt = { xrange : [-2*Math.PI, 2*Math.PI], n_sample : 10, } let f = (x) => Math.sin(x); let p = plotf(f, axopt); draw(p);
// you can change number of sample points by passing in `axes_options` let axopt = { xrange : [-2*Math.PI, 2*Math.PI], n_sample : 10, } let f = (x) => Math.sin(x); let p = plotf(f, axopt); draw(p);


let ax = axes_empty(); draw(ax);
axes_empty ( axes_options?  :  Partial<axes_options> )  :  Diagram
let ax = axes_empty(); draw(ax);
let ax = axes_corner_empty(); draw(ax);
axes_corner_empty ( axes_options?  :  Partial<axes_options> )  :  Diagram
let ax = axes_corner_empty(); draw(ax);
let ax = xyaxes().fontsize(12); draw(ax);
xyaxes ( axes_options?  :  Partial<axes_options> )  :  Diagram
let ax = xyaxes().fontsize(12); draw(ax);
let ax = xycorneraxes(); draw(ax);
xycorneraxes ( axes_options?  :  Partial<axes_options> )  :  Diagram
let ax = xycorneraxes(); draw(ax);
let ax = xygrid(); draw(ax);
xygrid ( axes_options?  :  Partial<axes_options> )  :  Diagram
let ax = xygrid(); draw(ax);
let ax = axes_empty(); let ta = xtickmark(0.5, 0, 'a'); let tb = xtickmark(1.5, 0, 'b'); let tc = xtickmark(-1, 0, 'c', {ticksize: 1}); draw(ax, ta, tb, tc);
xtickmark ( x  :  numbery  :  numberstr  :  stringaxes_options?  :  Partial<axes_options> )  :  Diagram
let ax = axes_empty(); let ta = xtickmark(0.5, 0, 'a'); let tb = xtickmark(1.5, 0, 'b'); let tc = xtickmark(-1, 0, 'c', {ticksize: 1}); draw(ax, ta, tb, tc);
let ax = axes_empty(); let ta = ytickmark(0.5, 0, 'a'); let tb = ytickmark(1.5, 0, 'b'); let tc = ytickmark(-1, 0, 'c', {ticksize: 1}); draw(ax, ta, tb, tc);
ytickmark ( y  :  numberx  :  numberstr  :  stringaxes_options?  :  Partial<axes_options> )  :  Diagram
let ax = axes_empty(); let ta = ytickmark(0.5, 0, 'a'); let tb = ytickmark(1.5, 0, 'b'); let tc = ytickmark(-1, 0, 'c', {ticksize: 1}); draw(ax, ta, tb, tc);

Size and Position

By default, the size of the axes will be equal to the xrange and yrange defined in the axes_options
let axopt = { xrange : [-20, 20], yrange : [-2, 4], } let ax = xyaxes(axopt).fontsize(12); draw(ax);
let axopt = { xrange : [-20, 20], yrange : [-2, 4], } let ax = xyaxes(axopt).fontsize(12); draw(ax);
We can change the size of the axes by passing in bbox in the axes_options.

But, if you want to put something in some specific position, the coordinate system will be different. For example, if we try to put a circle in (5,1), this is what we get.
let axopt = { xrange : [-20, 20], yrange : [-2, 5], bbox : [V2(0,0), V2(10,10)], headsize : 0.2, ticksize : 0.4, } let ax = xyaxes(axopt).fontsize(12); let p = V2(5,1); let c = circle(0.2).position(p).fill('blue'); draw(ax, c);
let axopt = { xrange : [-20, 20], yrange : [-2, 5], bbox : [V2(0,0), V2(10,10)], headsize : 0.2, ticksize : 0.4, } let ax = xyaxes(axopt).fontsize(12); let p = V2(5,1); let c = circle(0.2).position(p).fill('blue'); draw(ax, c);
What we can do to fix that is by using axes_transform()
let axopt = { xrange : [-20, 20], yrange : [-2, 5], bbox : [V2(0,0), V2(10,10)], headsize : 0.2, ticksize : 0.4, } let transf = axes_transform(axopt); // transf is a function (v : Vector2) => Vector2 let ax = xyaxes(axopt).fontsize(12); let p = transf(V2(5,1)); // equivalent to `V2(5,1).apply(transf)`; let c = circle(0.2).position(p).fill('blue'); draw(ax, c);
axes_transform ( opt  :  axes_options )  :  (v : Vector2) => Vector2
let axopt = { xrange : [-20, 20], yrange : [-2, 5], bbox : [V2(0,0), V2(10,10)], headsize : 0.2, ticksize : 0.4, } let transf = axes_transform(axopt); // transf is a function (v : Vector2) => Vector2 let ax = xyaxes(axopt).fontsize(12); let p = transf(V2(5,1)); // equivalent to `V2(5,1).apply(transf)`; let c = circle(0.2).position(p).fill('blue'); draw(ax, c);


The plotting functions just return a curve, so you can style it like any other curve.
// you can change the domain and range by passing in `axes_options` let axopt = { xrange : [-Math.PI, Math.PI], headsize : 0.1, } let ax = axes_empty(axopt); let f = (x) => Math.sin(x); let g = (x) => x*x - 1.5; let fplot = plotf(f, axopt).stroke('red').strokewidth(2); let gplot = plotf(g, axopt).stroke('blue').strokewidth(2); draw(ax, fplot, gplot);
// you can change the domain and range by passing in `axes_options` let axopt = { xrange : [-Math.PI, Math.PI], headsize : 0.1, } let ax = axes_empty(axopt); let f = (x) => Math.sin(x); let g = (x) => x*x - 1.5; let fplot = plotf(f, axopt).stroke('red').strokewidth(2); let gplot = plotf(g, axopt).stroke('blue').strokewidth(2); draw(ax, fplot, gplot);