Diagramatics provide tools to calculate geometric properties of diagrams.
*many more functions that will be added in the future.
// Get the radius of a circle object
let c1 = circle(4).scale(0.5).fill('red');
let r = geometry.circle_radius(c1); // r = 2
let c2 = circle(r).translate(V2(r,0)).fill('blue');
draw(c1, c2);
geometry.circle_radius (
Diagram )
// Get the radius of a circle object
let c1 = circle(4).scale(0.5).fill('red');
let r = geometry.circle_radius(c1); // r = 2
let c2 = circle(r).translate(V2(r,0)).fill('blue');
draw(c1, c2);
// Get two points on the circle where the tangent line that pass through the given point intersects the circle
let circ = circle(10);
let p0 = V2(-20,-6);
let [p1,p2] = geometry.circle_tangent_point_from_point(p0, circ);
let c0 = circle(0.5).position(p0).fill('black');
let c1 = circle(0.5).position(p1).fill('red');
let c2 = circle(0.5).position(p2).fill('blue');
let l1 = line(p0, p1).stroke('gray');
let l1e = geometry.line_extend(l1, 0, 5);
let l2 = line(p0, p2).stroke('gray');
let l2e = geometry.line_extend(l2, 0, 5);
draw(l1e, l2e, circ, c0, c1, c2);
geometry.circle_tangent_point_from_point (
Vector2 , circle
Diagram )
[Vector2, Vector2]
// Get two points on the circle where the tangent line that pass through the given point intersects the circle
let circ = circle(10);
let p0 = V2(-20,-6);
let [p1,p2] = geometry.circle_tangent_point_from_point(p0, circ);
let c0 = circle(0.5).position(p0).fill('black');
let c1 = circle(0.5).position(p1).fill('red');
let c2 = circle(0.5).position(p2).fill('blue');
let l1 = line(p0, p1).stroke('gray');
let l1e = geometry.line_extend(l1, 0, 5);
let l2 = line(p0, p2).stroke('gray');
let l2e = geometry.line_extend(l2, 0, 5);
draw(l1e, l2e, circ, c0, c1, c2);
// extends a line by len1 and len2 on each end
// the extension length can be negative
let l0 = line(V2(-5,0), V2(5,0)).strokewidth(2);
let l1 = geometry.line_extend(l0, 2, 2);
let l2 = geometry.line_extend(l0, 2, 0);
let l3 = geometry.line_extend(l0, 0, 2);
let l4 = geometry.line_extend(l0, -2, -2);
let lines = distribute_vertical([l0, l1, l2, l3, l4], 1);
geometry.line_extend (
Diagram , len1
number , len2
number )
// extends a line by len1 and len2 on each end
// the extension length can be negative
let l0 = line(V2(-5,0), V2(5,0)).strokewidth(2);
let l1 = geometry.line_extend(l0, 2, 2);
let l2 = geometry.line_extend(l0, 2, 0);
let l3 = geometry.line_extend(l0, 0, 2);
let l4 = geometry.line_extend(l0, -2, -2);
let lines = distribute_vertical([l0, l1, l2, l3, l4], 1);