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Boolean Operation

Polygon can be combined using boolean operation. The following boolean operation is supported :
let sq = square(10); let ci = circle(5).position(V2(7,0)); let result = boolean.union(sq, ci); draw(sq, ci, result.fill('lightblue'));
boolean.union ( d1  :  Diagramd2  :  Diagramtolerance?  :  number )  :  Diagram
let sq = square(10); let ci = circle(5).position(V2(7,0)); let result = boolean.union(sq, ci); draw(sq, ci, result.fill('lightblue'));
let sq = square(10) .stroke('gray').strokedasharray([5]); let ci = circle(5).position(V2(7,0)) .stroke('gray').strokedasharray([5]); let result = boolean.difference(sq, ci); draw(sq, ci, result.fill('lightblue'));
boolean.difference ( d1  :  Diagramd2  :  Diagramtolerance?  :  number )  :  Diagram
let sq = square(10) .stroke('gray').strokedasharray([5]); let ci = circle(5).position(V2(7,0)) .stroke('gray').strokedasharray([5]); let result = boolean.difference(sq, ci); draw(sq, ci, result.fill('lightblue'));
let sq = square(10) .stroke('gray').strokedasharray([5]); let ci = circle(5).position(V2(7,0)) .stroke('gray').strokedasharray([5]); let result = boolean.difference(ci, sq); draw(sq, ci, result.fill('lightblue'));
let sq = square(10) .stroke('gray').strokedasharray([5]); let ci = circle(5).position(V2(7,0)) .stroke('gray').strokedasharray([5]); let result = boolean.difference(ci, sq); draw(sq, ci, result.fill('lightblue'));
let sq = square(10) .stroke('gray').strokedasharray([5]); let ci = circle(5).position(V2(7,0)) .stroke('gray').strokedasharray([5]); let result = boolean.intersect(sq, ci); draw(sq, ci, result.fill('lightblue'));
boolean.intersect ( d1  :  Diagramd2  :  Diagramtolerance?  :  number )  :  Diagram
let sq = square(10) .stroke('gray').strokedasharray([5]); let ci = circle(5).position(V2(7,0)) .stroke('gray').strokedasharray([5]); let result = boolean.intersect(sq, ci); draw(sq, ci, result.fill('lightblue'));
let sq = square(10) .stroke('gray').strokedasharray([5]); let ci = circle(5).position(V2(7,0)) .stroke('gray').strokedasharray([5]); let result = boolean.xor(sq, ci); draw(sq, ci, result.fill('lightblue'));
boolean.xor ( d1  :  Diagramd2  :  Diagramtolerance?  :  number )  :  Diagram
let sq = square(10) .stroke('gray').strokedasharray([5]); let ci = circle(5).position(V2(7,0)) .stroke('gray').strokedasharray([5]); let result = boolean.xor(sq, ci); draw(sq, ci, result.fill('lightblue'));

* For all the boolean operations, there is an optional parameter tolerance which is used to determine the tolerance for the operation. The default value is 1e-10.