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Alignment and Distribution

Diagramatics provide functions to align and distribute diagram objects.


let's say we have a list of diagrams, and we want to align them vertically or horizontally.
let r1 = rectangle(3, 2).fill('blue' ).position(V2( 1, 1)); let r2 = rectangle(2, 3).fill('white').position(V2( 0, 0)); let r3 = rectangle(2, 2).fill('red' ).position(V2(-1, -1)); draw(r1, r2, r3);
let r1 = rectangle(3, 2).fill('blue' ).position(V2( 1, 1)); let r2 = rectangle(2, 3).fill('white').position(V2( 0, 0)); let r3 = rectangle(2, 2).fill('red' ).position(V2(-1, -1)); draw(r1, r2, r3);
let r1 = rectangle(3, 2).fill('blue' ).position(V2( 1, 1)); let r2 = rectangle(2, 3).fill('white').position(V2( 0, 0)); let r3 = rectangle(2, 2).fill('red' ).position(V2(-1, -1)); let rs = align_vertical([r1, r2, r3], 'bottom'); draw(rs);
align_vertical ( diagrams  :  Diagram[]alignment  :  'top' | 'center' | 'bottom' )  :  Diagram
let r1 = rectangle(3, 2).fill('blue' ).position(V2( 1, 1)); let r2 = rectangle(2, 3).fill('white').position(V2( 0, 0)); let r3 = rectangle(2, 2).fill('red' ).position(V2(-1, -1)); let rs = align_vertical([r1, r2, r3], 'bottom'); draw(rs);
let r1 = rectangle(3, 2).fill('blue' ).position(V2( 1, 1)); let r2 = rectangle(2, 3).fill('white').position(V2( 0, 0)); let r3 = rectangle(2, 2).fill('red' ).position(V2(-1, -1)); let rs = align_horizontal([r1, r2, r3], 'right'); draw(rs);
align_horizontal ( diagrams  :  Diagram[]alignment  :  'left' | 'center' | 'right' )  :  Diagram
let r1 = rectangle(3, 2).fill('blue' ).position(V2( 1, 1)); let r2 = rectangle(2, 3).fill('white').position(V2( 0, 0)); let r3 = rectangle(2, 2).fill('red' ).position(V2(-1, -1)); let rs = align_horizontal([r1, r2, r3], 'right'); draw(rs);


// the objects will be distributed from left to right // in the order of the array let r1 = rectangle(3, 2).fill('blue' ).position(V2( 1, 1)); let r2 = rectangle(2, 3).fill('white').position(V2( 0, 0)); let r3 = rectangle(2, 2).fill('red' ).position(V2(-1, -1)); let rs = distribute_horizontal([r1, r2, r3], 1); draw(rs);
distribute_horizontal ( diagrams  :  Diagram[]space  :  number = 0 )  :  Diagram
// the objects will be distributed from left to right // in the order of the array let r1 = rectangle(3, 2).fill('blue' ).position(V2( 1, 1)); let r2 = rectangle(2, 3).fill('white').position(V2( 0, 0)); let r3 = rectangle(2, 2).fill('red' ).position(V2(-1, -1)); let rs = distribute_horizontal([r1, r2, r3], 1); draw(rs);
let r1 = rectangle(3, 2).fill('blue' ).position(V2( 1, 1)); let r2 = rectangle(2, 3).fill('white').position(V2( 0, 0)); let r3 = rectangle(2, 2).fill('red' ).position(V2(-1, -1)); let rs = distribute_horizontal([r2, r1, r3], 1); draw(rs);
let r1 = rectangle(3, 2).fill('blue' ).position(V2( 1, 1)); let r2 = rectangle(2, 3).fill('white').position(V2( 0, 0)); let r3 = rectangle(2, 2).fill('red' ).position(V2(-1, -1)); let rs = distribute_horizontal([r2, r1, r3], 1); draw(rs);
// the objects will be distributed from top to bottom // in the order of the array let r1 = rectangle(3, 2).fill('blue' ).position(V2( 1, 1)); let r2 = rectangle(2, 3).fill('white').position(V2( 0, 0)); let r3 = rectangle(2, 2).fill('red' ).position(V2(-1, -1)); let rs = distribute_vertical([r1, r2, r3], 1); draw(rs);
distribute_vertical ( diagrams  :  Diagram[]space  :  number = 0 )  :  Diagram
// the objects will be distributed from top to bottom // in the order of the array let r1 = rectangle(3, 2).fill('blue' ).position(V2( 1, 1)); let r2 = rectangle(2, 3).fill('white').position(V2( 0, 0)); let r3 = rectangle(2, 2).fill('red' ).position(V2(-1, -1)); let rs = distribute_vertical([r1, r2, r3], 1); draw(rs);

Alignment and Distribution

let r1 = rectangle(3, 2).fill('blue' ).position(V2( 1, 1)); let r2 = rectangle(2, 3).fill('white').position(V2( 0, 0)); let r3 = rectangle(2, 2).fill('red' ).position(V2(-1, -1)); let rs = distribute_horizontal_and_align([r1, r2, r3], 1, 'bottom'); draw(rs);
( diagrams  :  Diagram[]horizontal_space  :  numberalignment  :  'top' | 'center' | 'bottom' )  :  Diagram

let r1 = rectangle(3, 2).fill('blue' ).position(V2( 1, 1)); let r2 = rectangle(2, 3).fill('white').position(V2( 0, 0)); let r3 = rectangle(2, 2).fill('red' ).position(V2(-1, -1)); let rs = distribute_horizontal_and_align([r1, r2, r3], 1, 'bottom'); draw(rs);
let r1 = rectangle(3, 2).fill('blue' ).position(V2( 1, 1)); let r2 = rectangle(2, 3).fill('white').position(V2( 0, 0)); let r3 = rectangle(2, 2).fill('red' ).position(V2(-1, -1)); let rs = distribute_vertical_and_align([r1, r2, r3], 1, 'right'); draw(rs);
( diagrams  :  Diagram[]vertical_space  :  numberalignment  :  'left' | 'center' | 'right' )  :  Diagram

let r1 = rectangle(3, 2).fill('blue' ).position(V2( 1, 1)); let r2 = rectangle(2, 3).fill('white').position(V2( 0, 0)); let r3 = rectangle(2, 2).fill('red' ).position(V2(-1, -1)); let rs = distribute_vertical_and_align([r1, r2, r3], 1, 'right'); draw(rs);

Grid distribution

let r1 = rectangle(3, 2).fill('blue' ); let r2 = rectangle(2, 3).fill('white' ); let r3 = rectangle(2, 2).fill('red' ); let r4 = rectangle(3, 3).fill('grey'); let rs = distribute_grid_row([r1, r2, r3, r4], 2, 1, 1); draw(rs);
( diagrams  :  Diagram[]column_count  :  numbervectical_space  :  number = 0horizontal_space  :  number = 0 )  :  Diagram

let r1 = rectangle(3, 2).fill('blue' ); let r2 = rectangle(2, 3).fill('white' ); let r3 = rectangle(2, 2).fill('red' ); let r4 = rectangle(3, 3).fill('grey'); let rs = distribute_grid_row([r1, r2, r3, r4], 2, 1, 1); draw(rs);