Let's begin by considering the simplest case: rolling a single six-sided die. The die has six faces, each with an equal probability of landing face-up. Consequently, the probability distribution for a single die roll is uniform, showing a flat line when plotted. Each number from 1 to 6 has a 1/6 chance of appearing.
As you roll the die more times, you'll notice that the distribution starts to resemble the true probability distribution. Initially, you might get a string of a particular number, but as you roll more, the frequencies of each number tend to even out. This is the law of large numbers at work, which states that with more trials, the observed frequency will approach the true probability.
Now, let's introduce a second die. When you roll two dice, the outcomes are determined by the sum of the values on each die. The probability distribution for the sum of two dice follows a triangular shape. The outcomes in the middle (like 7) have a higher probability of occurring compared to those at the extremes (like 2 or 12). This distribution isn't uniform, as it was with a single die.
It's important to note that the Central Limit Theorem is typically stated for means. However, the concept can be extended to the sum of random variables as well, as we have seen with dice rolling. In essence, it demonstrates the remarkable regularity and predictability that emerges as we gather more data or observations.
For the dice-rolling experiment, this means that as you roll more dice and calculate the sum, the distribution of these sums will approximate a normal distribution. The more dice you roll, the closer the distribution gets to the classic bell curve.
Show Diagram SourceCode
let pip_positions = {
1 : [V2(0,0)],
2 : [V2(-1,-1), V2(1,1)],
3 : [V2(-1,-1), V2(0,0), V2(1,1)],
4 : [V2(-1,-1), V2(1,-1), V2(-1,1), V2(1,1)],
5 : [V2(-1,-1), V2(1,-1), V2(0,0), V2(-1,1), V2(1,1)],
6 : [V2(-1,-1), V2(1,-1), V2(-1,0), V2(1,0), V2(-1,1), V2(1,1)],
let generate_dice_pips = (n) => {
let positions = pip_positions[n];
let pips = positions.map((p) => regular_polygon(10,0.25).position(p));
return diagram_combine(...pips).fill('black').stroke('none');
let generate_dice = (n) => {
let outline = square(4)
.apply(mod.round_corner(0.5, undefined, 4))
let pips = generate_dice_pips(n);
return diagram_combine(outline, pips);
const dice_diagram = [1,2,3,4,5,6].map((n) => generate_dice(n));
function randint(min, max) {
return Math.floor(Math.random() * (max - min + 1)) + min;
let dicevalue = new Array(20).fill(1);
let bincount = new Array(6+1).fill(1);
let datanames = range_inc(1,6).map(String);
function reroll() {
for (let i = 0; i < dicevalue.length; i++) dicevalue[i] = randint(1,6);
function countbin(n){
for (let i = 0; i < n; i++) bincount[dicevalue[i]] += 1;
// ============================= diagram
let subdiagram1 = rectangle(22,26);
let subdiagram2 = subdiagram1.copy().translate(V2(22,0));
let bbox2 = subdiagram2.bounding_box();
let diagram_bg = subdiagram1.combine(subdiagram2).stroke('none');
let baropt = {
yrange : [0,10.1],
bbox : [bbox2[0].add(V2(2,6)), bbox2[1].sub(V2(2,3))],
ticksize: 0.5,
let xax = bar.xaxes(datanames, baropt);
let yax = bar.yaxes(bincount.slice(1), baropt);
let xlabel = text('value').move_origin_text('top-center')
let ylabel = text('# of occurrence').move_origin_text('bottom-center')
int.draw_function = (inp) => {
default_textdata["font-scale"] = "0.088";
let n = inp['n'];
// diagram1
let dicelist = range(0,n).map((i) => dice_diagram[dicevalue[i]-1].copy());
let dice = distribute_grid_row(dicelist, 4, 0.5, 0.5).flatten()
// diagram2
let bars = bar.plot(bincount.slice(1), baropt).fill('lightblue').stroke('none');
// draw
diagram_bg, dice,
bars, xax, yax, xlabel, ylabel,
int.slider('n', 1, 20, 10, 1);
let btn = document.getElementById("roll_single");
btn.onclick = () => {
function randint(min, max) {
return Math.floor(Math.random() * (max - min + 1)) + min;
let dicevalue = new Array(100000).fill(1);
let bincount = new Array(6+1).fill(1);
let datanames = range_inc(1,6).map(String);
function reroll() {
for (let i = 0; i < dicevalue.length; i++) dicevalue[i] = randint(1,6);
function countbin(n){
for (let i = 0; i < n; i++) bincount[dicevalue[i]] += 1;
// ============================= diagram
int.draw_function = (inp) => {
default_textdata["font-scale"] = "0.088";
let l = inp['log(n)'];
let n = Math.pow(10,l);
int.set('n', n);
let maxy = Math.max(...bincount.slice(1), n/4);
let baropt = {
yrange : [0,maxy+0.5],
bbox : [V2(0,0), V2(22,15)],
ticksize: 0.5,
let margin = rectangle_corner(V2(-6,-4), V2(22,18)).stroke('none');
let xax = bar.xaxes(datanames, baropt);
let yax = bar.yaxes(bincount.slice(1), baropt);
let xlabel = text('value').move_origin_text('top-center')
let ylabel = text('# of occurrence').move_origin_text('bottom-center')
let bars = bar.plot(bincount.slice(1), baropt).fill('lightblue').stroke('none');
// draw
bars, xax, yax, xlabel, ylabel,
const italic_n = str_to_mathematical_italic('n');
int.slider('log(n)', 0, 5, 1, 1, 1, (name,val) => `log(${italic_n}) = ${val}`);
let btn = document.getElementById("roll_single_big");
btn.onclick = () => {
let pip_positions = {
1 : [V2(0,0)],
2 : [V2(-1,-1), V2(1,1)],
3 : [V2(-1,-1), V2(0,0), V2(1,1)],
4 : [V2(-1,-1), V2(1,-1), V2(-1,1), V2(1,1)],
5 : [V2(-1,-1), V2(1,-1), V2(0,0), V2(-1,1), V2(1,1)],
6 : [V2(-1,-1), V2(1,-1), V2(-1,0), V2(1,0), V2(-1,1), V2(1,1)],
let generate_dice_pips = (n) => {
let positions = pip_positions[n];
let pips = positions.map((p) => regular_polygon(10,0.25).position(p));
return diagram_combine(...pips).fill('black').stroke('none');
let generate_dice = (n) => {
let outline = square(4)
.apply(mod.round_corner(0.5, undefined, 4))
let pips = generate_dice_pips(n);
return diagram_combine(outline, pips);
const dice_diagram = [1,2,3,4,5,6].map((n) => generate_dice(n).mut());
function randint(min, max) {
return Math.floor(Math.random() * (max - min + 1)) + min;
let dicevalue = new Array(20*2).fill(1);
let bincount = new Array(12+1).fill(1);
let datanames = range_inc(1,12).map(String);
function reroll() {
for (let i = 0; i < dicevalue.length; i++) dicevalue[i] = randint(1,6);
function countbin(n){
for (let i = 0; i < n; i++) {
let val = dicevalue[2*i] + dicevalue[2*i+1];
bincount[val] += 1;
// ============================= diagram
let subdiagram1 = rectangle(30,30);
let subdiagram2 = rectangle(40,30).move_origin('top-left').position(subdiagram1.get_anchor('top-right'));
let bbox2 = subdiagram2.bounding_box();
let diagram_bg = subdiagram1.combine(subdiagram2).stroke('none');
let baropt = {
yrange : [0,10.1],
bbox : [bbox2[0].add(V2(2,6)), bbox2[1].sub(V2(2,3))],
ticksize: 0.5,
let xax = bar.xaxes(datanames, baropt);
let yax = bar.yaxes(bincount.slice(1), baropt);
let xlabel = text('value').move_origin_text('top-center')
let ylabel = text('# of occurrence').move_origin_text('bottom-center')
let ddots_ = text('⋯').position(subdiagram1.get_anchor('bottom-right'))
let bgrect = rectangle(6,13).apply(mod.round_corner(1, undefined, 4))
int.draw_function = (inp) => {
default_textdata["font-scale"] = "0.11";
let n = inp['n'];
// diagram1
let dicepairlist = range(0,Math.min(n,7)).map((i) => {
let vtop = dicevalue[2*i];
let vbot = dicevalue[2*i+1];
let vsum = vtop + vbot;
let dtop = dice_diagram[vtop-1].copy();
let dbot = dice_diagram[vbot-1].copy();
let lsum = text(vsum);
let pair = distribute_vertical_and_align([lsum, dtop, dbot], 1)
let bg = bgrect.copy().position(pair.origin).translate(V2(0,-4.5));
return bg.combine(pair).mut();
let dice = distribute_grid_row(dicepairlist, 4, 0.5, 0.5).flatten()
let ddots = n > 7 ? ddots_ : empty(V2(0,0));
// diagram2
let bars = bar.plot(bincount.slice(1), baropt).fill('lightblue').stroke('none');
// draw
diagram_bg, dice,
bars, xax, yax, xlabel, ylabel,
int.slider('n', 1, 20, 10, 1);
let btn = document.getElementById("roll_double");
btn.onclick = () => {
function randint(min, max) {
return Math.floor(Math.random() * (max - min + 1)) + min;
let dicevalue = new Array(2*100000).fill(1);
let bincount = new Array(12+1).fill(1);
let datanames = range_inc(2,12).map(String);
function reroll() {
for (let i = 0; i < dicevalue.length; i++) dicevalue[i] = randint(1,6);
function countbin(n){
for (let i = 0; i < n; i++) {
let val = dicevalue[2*i] + dicevalue[2*i+1];
bincount[val] += 1;
// ============================= diagram
int.draw_function = (inp) => {
default_textdata["font-scale"] = "0.11";
let l = inp['log(n)'];
let n = Math.pow(10,l);
int.set('n', n);
let maxy = Math.max(...bincount.slice(2), n/4);
let baropt = {
yrange : [0,maxy+0.5],
bbox : [V2(0,0), V2(40,26)],
ticksize: 0.5,
let margin = rectangle_corner(V2(-7,-5), V2(40,28)).stroke('none');
let xax = bar.xaxes(datanames, baropt);
let yax = bar.yaxes(bincount.slice(2), baropt);
let xlabel = text('value').move_origin_text('top-center')
let ylabel = text('# of occurrence').move_origin_text('bottom-center')
let bars = bar.plot(bincount.slice(2), baropt).fill('lightblue').stroke('none');
// draw
bars, xax, yax, xlabel, ylabel,
const italic_n = str_to_mathematical_italic('n');
int.slider('log(n)', 0, 5, 2, 1, 1, (name,val) => `log(${italic_n}) = ${val}`);
let btn = document.getElementById("roll_double_big");
btn.onclick = () => {
let pip_positions = {
1 : [V2(0,0)],
2 : [V2(-1,-1), V2(1,1)],
3 : [V2(-1,-1), V2(0,0), V2(1,1)],
4 : [V2(-1,-1), V2(1,-1), V2(-1,1), V2(1,1)],
5 : [V2(-1,-1), V2(1,-1), V2(0,0), V2(-1,1), V2(1,1)],
6 : [V2(-1,-1), V2(1,-1), V2(-1,0), V2(1,0), V2(-1,1), V2(1,1)],
let generate_dice_pips = (n) => {
let positions = pip_positions[n];
let pips = positions.map((p) => regular_polygon(10,0.25).position(p));
return diagram_combine(...pips).fill('black').stroke('none');
let generate_dice = (n) => {
let outline = square(4)
.apply(mod.round_corner(0.5, undefined, 4))
let pips = generate_dice_pips(n);
return diagram_combine(outline, pips);
const dice_diagram = [1,2,3,4,5,6].map((n) => generate_dice(n).mut());
function randint(min, max) {
return Math.floor(Math.random() * (max - min + 1)) + min;
let dicevalue = new Array(20*5).fill(1);
function reroll() {
for (let i = 0; i < dicevalue.length; i++) dicevalue[i] = randint(1,6);
// ============================= diagram
let margin = rectangle(69,32).stroke('grey').strokedasharray([5]);
int.draw_function = (inp) => {
default_textdata["font-scale"] = "0.13";
let m = inp['m'];
let n = inp['n'];
let bgrect = rectangle(6,3 + 5*m).mut()
.move_origin('top-center').apply(mod.round_corner(1, undefined, 4))
let dicegrouplist = range(0,n).map((i) => {
let values = dicevalue.slice(5*i, 5*i+m);
let vsum = values.reduce((a,b) => a+b, 0);
let lsum = text(vsum).mut();
let dicedg = values.map((v) => dice_diagram[v-1].copy());
let pair = distribute_vertical_and_align([lsum, ...dicedg], 1)
let bg = bgrect.copy().position(pair.get_anchor('top-center')).translate(V2(0,2));
return bg.combine(pair).mut();
let dice = distribute_horizontal_and_align(dicegrouplist, 0.5)
// draw
draw(margin, dice);
int.slider('m', 1, 5, 5, 1);
int.slider('n', 1, 10, 10, 1);
let btn = document.getElementById("roll_m_small");
btn.onclick = () => {
function randint(min, max) {
return Math.floor(Math.random() * (max - min + 1)) + min;
let dicevalue = new Array(10*100000).fill(1);
let bincount = new Array(1).fill(1);
function reroll() {
for (let i = 0; i < dicevalue.length; i++) dicevalue[i] = randint(1,6);
function countbin(m,n){
// groups of m dice, roll n times
bincount = new Array(m*6+1).fill(0);
for (let i = 0; i < n; i++) {
let val = dicevalue.slice(m*i, m*(i+1)).reduce((a,b) => a+b, 0);
bincount[val] += 1;
const fraction_max_m = [
1/6, 6/36, 27/216, 146/1296, 780/7776,
4332/46656, 24017/279936, 135954/1679616, 767394/10077696, 4395456/60466176,
const stdevs_m = [
1.707825127659933, 2.4152294576982400, 2.958039891549808,
3.415650255319866, 3.8188130791298667, 4.183300132670378,
4.518480570575320, 4.8304589153964800, 5.123475382979799,
const i_sqrt2pi = 1/Math.sqrt(2*Math.PI);
function gen_normaldist(sigma, mu, n) {
return function(x) {
let pow = -0.5 * Math.pow((x-mu)/sigma, 2);
return n * i_sqrt2pi/sigma * Math.exp(pow);
// ============================= diagram
int.draw_function = (inp) => {
default_textdata["font-scale"] = "0.11";
let l = inp['log(n)'];
let m = inp['m'];
let n = Math.pow(10,l);
int.set('n', n);
countbin(m, n);
let datanames = range_inc(m,6*m).map(String);
for (let i = 0; i < datanames.length; i++) {
if (i % m != 0) datanames[i] = '';
let maxy = Math.max(...bincount.slice(m), n*fraction_max_m[m]*1.4);
let baropt = {
yrange : [0,maxy+0.5],
bbox : [V2(0,0), V2(40,26)],
ticksize: 0.5,
let margin = rectangle_corner(V2(-7,-4), V2(40,28)).stroke('none');
let xax = bar.xaxes(datanames, baropt);
let yax = bar.yaxes(bincount.slice(m), baropt);
let xlabel = text('value').move_origin_text('top-center')
let ylabel = text('# of occurrence').move_origin_text('bottom-center')
let bars = bar.plot(bincount.slice(m), baropt).fill('lightblue').stroke('none');
// normal dist overlay
let axopt = {
xrange : [m,6*m],
yrange : baropt.yrange,
bbox : baropt.bbox,
let f = gen_normaldist(stdevs_m[m], m*3.5, n);
let graph_f = plotf(f, axopt).mut()
// draw
bars, xax, yax, xlabel, ylabel,
const italic_n = str_to_mathematical_italic('n');
int.slider('log(n)', 0, 5, 2, 1, 1, (name,val) => `log(${italic_n}) = ${val}`);
int.slider('m', 1, 10, 2, 1);
let btn = document.getElementById("roll_m_big");
btn.onclick = () => {