Advent Of Code [2023]
[Solutions: GitHub]
I made this page just to share my visualization of the solutions for the Advent Of Code 2023! This year, i wrote my solutions is Prolog. It's available on

Day 5: If You Give A Seed A Fertilizer

The diagram shows the mapping from seed, soil, all the way to the target location. The yellow line shows the seed which has the lowest location number.

Diagram for the Example input
Diagram for my input

Day 8: Haunted Wasteland

The diagram shows the network.

*you can always right click and open the image in new tab if you need a better resolution

I also made the visualization for each loop separately.
Each Loop Separately

People are a bit upset with this one based on what people said in the subreddit. It's not that the problem is hard, it's just a lot of people thinks that the problem is somewhat poorly worded.

The simplest solution to this one is using LCM, but it's not clear that it can be solved that way, there's no indication that the path will loop, that the target will be reached after a loop, that the length of the instruction fits nicely with the length of the cycle, and more hidden assumptions.

You can see that every loop has these exact same pattern, the first step from the starting point always lands them on the loop, and the end point is always a step away behind those points.

Day 10: Pipe Maze

In the diagram, the white lines indicate the pipes, the dark green region just shows you the "inner region" enclosed by the pipes, and the light green squares represent tiles that are in the inner region.

Day 11: Cosmic Expansion

The yellow dots shows the location of the galaxies.

I like the fact that the simple rule of only expanding empty rows and columns give rise to something that resembles the clustering of galaxies, somewhat similar to the real space expansion.

Day 20: Pulse Propagation

Splitting the broadcast module makes it clearer that the network can be divided into separate smaller groups.

green nodes represent flip-flop (%) module, and yellow nodes represent conjunction (&) module.
also : Less overlap but smaller node *You can right click and open the image in the new tab